Everything About Proven Garlic Benefits and Uses
Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Proven Garlic Benefits

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”
In the Garlic there is the organic sulfur compound that is called Allicin. It gives the pungent smell but trust me its healthy for your body. Garlic was recommended by Hippocrates for treating the respiratory disorders, parasites, the poor digestion, and weariness. Garlic was shunned by the upper classes because of its pungent odor, but monks, “…widows, teenagers, and those who had taken a vow or were fasting, could not eat garlic because of its stimulating character.”
The Garlic has been used to treat the bronchitis, hypertension (high blood pressure), the tuberculosis (TB), liver diseases, the diarrhea, flatulence, the colic, intestinal worms, the rheumatism, diabetes, and mainly the fevers throughout history in the Middle East, East Asian, and the Nepalian people. Garlic was introduced to the New World by the French, Spanish, and the Portuguese.
Some of the people today take the Garlic to prevent lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, rectal cancer, and colon cancer.
Garlic’s organo-sulfur compounds have been discovered to be efficient in eliminating cells in glioblastomas, a form of the fatal brain tumor.
Scientists at the Medical University of the South Carolina reported in the journal of Cancer that there are three pure organo-sulfur compounds from garlic – DAS, DADS, and DATS – “ all have demonstrated efficacy in eradicating brain cancer cells, but the DATS proved to be the most effective one .”Women who ate a lot of allium veggies had fewer osteoarthritis symptoms. Garlic, leeks, shallots, onions, and rakkyo are examples of allium vegetables.
Nutrional Profile:
Calories | 149 cal |
Thiamin | 0.2mg 13% RDA |
Dietary Fiber | 2g 8% RDA |
Total Fat | 0.5g |
Selenium | 14.2mcg 20% RDA |
Manganese | 1.7mg 84% RDA |
Copper | 0.3mg 15% RDA |
Calcium | 180mg 18% RDA |
Potassium | 400mg 11% RDA |
Phosphorus | 155mg 15% RDA |
Zinc | 1.2mg 8% RDA |
Iron | 1.7mg 9% RDA |
Magnesium | 25mg 6% RDA |
Vitamin C | 31mg 52% RDA |
Pantothenic Acid | 0.6mg 6% RDA |
Riboflavin | 0.1mg 6% RDA |
Niacin | 0.7mg 4% RDA |
Protein | 6.5g 13% RDA |
Vitamin B6 | 1.2mg 62% RDA |
There are some beneficial uses of garlic that are discussed below:
Preventing blood clots and heart attacks
Researchers at the Emory University School of Medicine discovered that the diallyl trisulfide, is a component of the garlic oil, protects the heart during cardiac surgery and after a heart attack. They also believe that the diallyl trisulfide could be used to treat the heart failure. It is because of the gas hydrogen sulfide has been found to protect the damage of heart.
It is, moreover, a volatile chemical that is difficult to administer as therapy. So,
As a result, the researchers opted to focus on the diallyl trisulfide, a component of garlic oil, as a safer way to deliver the benefits of hydrogen sulfide to the heart.
Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Viral Properties
Prevent food poisoning caused by E.coli-like bacteria. According to a study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, diallyl sulfide, actually the chemical found in garlic, was 100 times more potent than two commonly used antibiotics in battling the Campylobacter bacterium.
The Campylobacter bacterium is one of the most common causes of intestinal illnesses.
Blood Pressure controller:
Garlic polysulfides (H2S gas produced by RBCs) have a vasodilatory effect on blood vessels, expanding them and decreasing vessel wall tension.
Because of the chemical ajoene found in garlic, it is now possible to cure fungal skin illnesses such as ringworm and athlete’s foot. It is considered that applying fat-soluble garlic extracts to corns on the foot and warts on the hands will improve these ailments. Garlic can also be used to treat athlete’s foot. To combat the itch-causing fungus that causes athlete’s foot, soak your feet in garlic water or massage raw garlic on your feet.
Garlic’s anti-arthritic properties: are attributed to diallyl sulphide and thiacremonone.
It is possible to use raw garlic juice to relieve itching caused by rashes and bug bites.
Treatment for Respiratory Issues
lessen the quantity and frequency of colds Its antimicrobial qualities aid in the treatment of throat inflammation. Garlic may also help to lessen the severity of upper respiratory infections.
It is advantageous to several body problems of the lungs, such as asthma, difficulty breathing, and so on, making it a priceless medicine. Its capacity to enhance expectoration makes it crucial in the treatment of chronic bronchitis.
Garlic’s anti-cancer properties are attributable to diallyl sulphides. PhIP, a kind of heterocyclic amine (HCA), has been linked to an elevated risk of breast cancer in women, by preventing the conversion of PhIP into carcinogens.
Activate Desire of taking food.
Garlic contains diallyl sulphides, which boost ferroportin synthesis and aid in iron metabolism.
Healthy teeth:
Garlic’s aphrodisiac properties stem from its ability to improve circulation. Because of its antibacterial and analgesic qualities, rubbing a smashed garlic clove directly on the impacted tooth can help reduce toothaches. However, keep in mind that it can be unpleasant to the gums.
Obesity is thought to be a long-term state of low-grade inflammation, according to many studies.
Garlic may aid in the regulation of fat cell growth in our bodies, according to new research.
Through the activities of the inflammatory system, pre-adipocytes become fat cells (adipocytes).
Garlic’s anti-inflammatory characteristic, 1, 2-DT (1, 2-vinyldithiin), may aid in preventing this conversion. It’s possible that this will help you avoid gaining weight.
Let’s share an experiment:
There were 23 volunteers in the study, all of whom had higher cholesterol and 13 of them also had high blood pressure. Two groups were formed:
• Normotensive patients with elevated cholesterol (normal blood pressure).
• Hypertensive people with elevated cholesterol (high blood pressure).
For four months, they took garlic extract supplements and had blood lipid markers, as well as kidney and liver function, evaluated regularly.
“Garlic extract supplementation improves blood lipid profile, boosts blood antioxidant potential, and produces significant decreases in systolic and diastolic blood pressures,” the researchers found at the end of the four months. It also results in a reduction in oxidation levels.
However, reaping the advantages of garlic might be a little tricky at times. Its pH balance can be altered by heating it or incorporating it into a recipe. The enzymes in allicin take a few minutes to activate, so leave it alone after you mince, smash, or chop it.
“The largest benefit will come from raw garlic,” she explains. “However, if you do decide to cook it, don’t heat it above 140 degrees Fahrenheit.” Because higher temperatures destroy the allicin, add garlic to your recipes when you’re almost done cooking. “Wear kitchen gloves to avoid garlic-induced skin sores.”
Garlic’s antioxidants and antibacterial qualities can help clear up your skin by destroying acne-causing germs. According to one study, applying raw garlic on pimples can help them go away. However, be warned that it may induce a burning feeling on your skin. If you are using any other products, consult with your dermatologist first before applying acne to your skin.
Liver damage caused by alcohol
The long-term overconsumption of alcoholic beverages causes alcohol-induced liver damage.
Researchers from Shandong University’s Institute of Toxicology wanted to see if diallyl disulfide (DADS), a garlic-derived organosulfur molecule, might protect against ethanol-induced oxidative stress.
Microbial infectious diseases during pregnancy increase a woman’s chances of giving birth prematurely. Scientists from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s Division of Epidemiology investigated the effects of food on antimicrobial infections and the risk of preterm delivery. “Intake of antimicrobial and prebiotic components in food may be important to lower the incidence of spontaneous PTD,” the researchers found. Garlic, in particular, was linked to a decreased likelihood of spontaneous PTD.
NOTE: Garlic has an interaction with blood thinners like aspirin and warfarin because of its anti-clotting properties. Garlic supplements should be discontinued seven days prior to surgery to avoid complications.
Garlic eating is healthy, however it might create poor breath and body odor if consumed.
Excessive raw garlic consumption, particularly on an empty stomach, can cause stomach distress, flatulence, and changes in intestinal microbes. Garlic can produce allergic skin rashes, burns, and blisters when handled while cooking or when applied topically.
Beneficial to Your Liver
Garlic aids the liver in the creation of enzymes required for detoxification, which is a great start, but it doesn’t stop there. Fatty liver disease is a common problem that is brought on by alcohol or extra belly fat, as well as metabolic inefficiency. Garlic is beneficial in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, since it aids the organ in regaining its normal function.
LDL cholesterol levels are reduced.
Garlic has been shown to lower blood LDL cholesterol by up to 15%. Consumption of garlic had no influence on HDL or triglyceride levels. Garlic’s use for cholesterol-lowering benefits is one of the most common roles it plays in various places across the world.
Heavy Metal Toxins Must Be Removed From The Body
Heavy metals are particularly poisonous and have a habit of settling in deep fat layers. Garlic can aid in the chelation of heavy metals and their excretion by the body. Garlic is the way to go if your profession requires risk exposure or you eat a lot of fish and seafood.
Defend Against Neuro-Degenerative Disorders
Garlic has been shown to help protect against neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Garlic supplementation has been demonstrated to boost the liver’s production of anti-oxidant enzymes. This, together with lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, provides enough protection against these diseases.
Microflora Cultures Should Be Optimized
Garlic’s antimicrobial capabilities can aid to keep “bad” bacteria cultures where they belong. Surprisingly, it does not appear to harm probiotic bacteria in the same way that potent prescription antibiotics .
Yeast Infections: How to Get Rid of Them
Garlic has been shown to help minimize the occurrence of vaginal yeast infections in women who are prone to them, such as diabetics with poor blood glucose control. Garlic has anti-fungal qualities that prevent fungus from growing.
Reduce Asthma Attacks
Asthma is an immune-mediated condition that increases the incidence of hypersensitivity reactions. As a result, asthmatics are more likely to suffer from allergies or chronic rhinitis. Garlic consumption has been linked to decreased responsiveness to environmental stimuli, which may help lessen the frequency of asthma attacks.
It’s Good For Your Eyes
While most other foods provide ocular advantages due to their anti-oxidant content, garlic takes a different approach. For one thing, garlic lowers intraocular pressure, which is a common cause of glaucoma, and it also suppresses organisms that cause keratitis (infection of the cornea). Garlic can also counteract the effects of heavy metal exposure on the eyes, preventing retinal cell death.
Garlic has enough amounts of minerals required for bone health, although this is not its principal mechanism for bone health promotion. This is due to garlic’s pseudo-estrogen-like impact on bone tissue, which was discovered in postmenopausal women.
Garlic ingestion can reduce rash occurrence, promote healing, and lessen the histamine reaction that causes itching. Eczema is an extremely inconvenient and irritating skin condition. If you have eczema, it’s a good idea to incorporate it into your diet.